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NR天然橡膠接頭(適用于普通水 80度以下 無腐蝕 無酸堿)

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    【新品】QT450球墨法蘭橡膠接頭“韌性好塑性高” QT450 ductile flange rubber joint "good toughnes......

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    【NR】DN50單球橡膠軟接頭“自動化生產工藝” DN50 Single Ball Rubber Joint "Automated Production......

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    【NR】DN65單球橡膠接頭“擁有獨立試驗室” DN65 Single Ball Rubber Joint "With Independent Labor......

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    【NR】DN100單球橡膠接頭“水電站機組降溫循環(huán)泵” DN100 single ball rubber joint "cooling circul......

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    【NR】DN125單球橡膠接頭“熱交換機組的好幫手” DN125 single ball rubber joint "good helper of h......

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    【NR】DN150單球橡膠接頭“板式換熱機組用3年免維護” DN150 single ball rubber joint "plate heat ......

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    【NR】DN200單球橡膠接頭“消防泵房質保5年” DN200 single ball rubber joint "fire pump house war......

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    【NR】DN250單球橡膠接頭“高層空調消防” DN250 single ball rubber joint "high-rise air conditio......

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    【NR】DN300單球橡膠接頭“天然橡膠加強型” DN300 single ball rubber joint "natural rubber reinf......